Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   settings => array(6 items)
      azbrowser => array(1 item)
         search => array(23 items)
            a => array(3 items)
               display => 'A' (1 chars)
               value => 'a,ä' (4 chars)
               param => 'a' (1 chars)
            b => array(3 items)
               display => 'B' (1 chars)
               value => 'b' (1 chars)
               param => 'b' (1 chars)
            c => array(3 items)
               display => 'C' (1 chars)
               value => 'c' (1 chars)
               param => 'c' (1 chars)
            d => array(3 items)
               display => 'D' (1 chars)
               value => 'd' (1 chars)
               param => 'd' (1 chars)
            e => array(3 items)
               display => 'E' (1 chars)
               value => 'e' (1 chars)
               param => 'e' (1 chars)
            f => array(3 items)
               display => 'F' (1 chars)
               value => 'f' (1 chars)
               param => 'f' (1 chars)
            g => array(3 items)
               display => 'G' (1 chars)
               value => 'g' (1 chars)
               param => 'g' (1 chars)
            h => array(3 items)
               display => 'H' (1 chars)
               value => 'h' (1 chars)
               param => 'h' (1 chars)
            i => array(3 items)
               display => 'I' (1 chars)
               value => 'i' (1 chars)
               param => 'i' (1 chars)
            j => array(3 items)
               display => 'J' (1 chars)
               value => 'j' (1 chars)
               param => 'j' (1 chars)
            k => array(3 items)
               display => 'K' (1 chars)
               value => 'k' (1 chars)
               param => 'k' (1 chars)
            l => array(3 items)
               display => 'L' (1 chars)
               value => 'l' (1 chars)
               param => 'l' (1 chars)
            m => array(3 items)
               display => 'M' (1 chars)
               value => 'm' (1 chars)
               param => 'm' (1 chars)
            n => array(3 items)
               display => 'N' (1 chars)
               value => 'n' (1 chars)
               param => 'n' (1 chars)
            o => array(3 items)
               display => 'O' (1 chars)
               value => 'o,ö' (4 chars)
               param => 'o' (1 chars)
            p => array(3 items)
               display => 'P' (1 chars)
               value => 'p' (1 chars)
               param => 'p' (1 chars)
            q => array(3 items)
               display => 'QR' (2 chars)
               value => 'q,r' (3 chars)
               param => 'q' (1 chars)
            s => array(3 items)
               display => 'S' (1 chars)
               value => 's' (1 chars)
               param => 's' (1 chars)
            t => array(3 items)
               display => 'T' (1 chars)
               value => 't' (1 chars)
               param => 't' (1 chars)
            u => array(3 items)
               display => 'U' (1 chars)
               value => 'u' (1 chars)
               param => 'u,ü' (4 chars)
            v => array(3 items)
               display => 'V' (1 chars)
               value => 'v' (1 chars)
               param => 'v' (1 chars)
            w => array(3 items)
               display => 'W' (1 chars)
               value => 'w' (1 chars)
               param => 'w' (1 chars)
            x => array(3 items)
               display => 'XYZ' (3 chars)
               value => 'x,y,z' (5 chars)
               param => 'x' (1 chars)
      listLimit => '' (0 chars)
      pageBrowserLimit => '' (0 chars)
      detailPid => '' (0 chars)
      startingpoint => '350' (3 chars)
      recursive => '' (0 chars)
   address => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Addressprototypepersistent entity (uid=1752, pid=350)
      tstamp => protected1591181233 (integer)
      comments => protected'- Kostenlose Angebote
- ggf. Terminvergabe
- mobile Beratung in ganz Schle
         swig-Holstein: Kiel, Lübeck, Flensburg, Neumünster, Heide, Rendsburg, Schl
         eswig, Husum, Bad Segeberg, Itzehoe, Bad Odesloe, Pinneberg, Elmshorn, Norde
' (233 chars) txKsaddressPostfach => protected'3520' (4 chars) txKsaddressTelExtra => protected'0431/ 55779192' (14 chars) txKsaddressTelMobil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelHotline => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTraeger => protected'Frauenwerk der Nordkirche' (25 chars) txKsaddressDachverband => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressCompanyEn => protected'counselling against trafficking in women' (40 chars) txKsaddressCommentsEn => protected'Counselling possible in the following languages through interpreters: Bulgar
         ian, French, Croat, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish,
          Thai, Turkish
' (166 chars) txKsaddressComments2 => protected'Koordinierungs- und Vernetzungstätigkeit, Gremienarbeit Ausbau interdiszi
         plinärer Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung der beteiligten Stellen Aufbau ein
         es landesweiten Netzwerkes von Unterbringungsorten Fortbildungs- und Öffe
         ntlichkeitsarbeit Lobbyarbeit Informations- und Klärungsgespräche, Ber
         atung Hilfe bei der Organisation und Finanzierung der Rückreise in Ihr Hei
         matland Parteiliche Unterstützung für Betroffene des Frauenhandels Auf
         klärung und Sensibilisierung der Fach- und allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit Fö
         rderung der Zusammenarbeit der relevanten Stellen in Schleswig-Holstein Ver
         besserung der rechtlichen und strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen zur Unterstüt
         zung Betroffener
' (701 chars) txKsaddressComments2En => protected'Coordination, networking and committee work Developing interdisciplinary co
         llaboration and networking among relevant stakeholders Creation of a nation
         al network listing accommodation options Training, PR and lobbying activiti
         es Information meetings, consultations and counselling Assistance to organ
         ise and source funding to return clients to home country Unconditional su
         pport aimed at trafficked women Education and raising awareness among the g
         eneral public and experts Promoting collaboration among relevant stakeholde
         rs in Schleswig-Holstein Improving the legal and structural framework neede
         d to support trafficked persons
' (641 chars) txKsaddressMember => protectedTRUE txKsaddressVorwahlTel => protected'0431' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlTelBeratung => protected'0431' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlFax => protected'0431' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlMobil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdressenzusatz => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOrtsteil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressRegion => protected115 (integer) txKsaddressCountry => protected101 (integer) txKsaddressAnfahrt => protected'mobile Beratung in Schleswig-Holstein, Fahrt zum Aufenthaltsort der Klientin' (76 chars) txKsaddressTelBeratung => protected'55779191' (8 chars) txKsaddressZielgruppen => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (7 items) 000000003c184c160000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=101, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'101: Frauen (Betroffene)' (24 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'101: Women (Victims)' (20 chars) uid => protected101 (integer) _localizedUid => protected101 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected101 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c6b0000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=105, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'105: Männer (Betroffene)' (25 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'105: Men (Victims)' (18 chars) uid => protected105 (integer) _localizedUid => protected105 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected105 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c170000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=113, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'113: Fachkräfte' (16 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'113: Specialists/ Professionals ' (32 chars) uid => protected113 (integer) _localizedUid => protected113 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected113 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c080000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'114: Angehörige und näheres Umfeld' (36 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'114: Relatives' (14 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c140000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=117, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'117: Migrant*innen' (18 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'117: Migrants' (13 chars) uid => protected117 (integer) _localizedUid => protected117 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected117 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c040000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=118, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'118: Freier' (11 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'118: Client' (11 chars) uid => protected118 (integer) _localizedUid => protected118 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected118 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000003c184c6a0000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=123, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'123: Politik und Öffentlichkeit' (32 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'123: Politics and Public' (24 chars) uid => protected123 (integer) _localizedUid => protected123 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected123 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) txKsaddressAltersgrenzen => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeiten => protected'Mo. bis Fr. 9:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr' (32 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeitenEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeit => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeitEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailBeratung => protected'contra@frauenwerk.nordkirche.de ' (32 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofil => protected'101,102,103,104,108,110,115,117' (31 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstige => protected'Hilfe bei Organisation und Finanzierung der Rückreise in Heimatland' (68 chars) txKsaddressGewaltformen => protected'106,107,108,110,115' (19 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsart => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (3 items) 000000003c1843f80000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=103, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle' (26 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle/Frauenhausberatungsstelle/Beratung bei häusliche
               r Gewalt
' (86 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'103: Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for dom
               estic violence
' (90 chars) uid => protected103 (integer) _localizedUid => protected103 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected103 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
000000003c1843e70000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung' (74 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung ' (75 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'114: Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and expl
' (84 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
000000003c1843fb0000000029e65028 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=133, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'133: Krisendienst' (17 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'133: Krisendienst' (17 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'133: Crisis Support' (19 chars) uid => protected133 (integer) _localizedUid => protected133 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected133 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefreiKeys => protected'108,112,114' (11 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefrei => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartBarrierefreiEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSprachen => protected'110,130,160,177,180,185,190,200,220,240,250,253,255,280,290,300,310,320,340,
' (103 chars) txKsaddressSprachenSonstige => protected'Lettisch, Ukrainisch, Kurmanci' (30 chars) txKsaddressSicherheit => protectedTRUE txKsaddressAufnahmesoehne => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressHaustiere => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlung => protected'101,102,103,104' (15 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlungSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressFreigabeHilfetelefon => protectedTRUE txKsaddressComments => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressIsmaster => protectedTRUE txKsaddressMasterid => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressClones => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdmininfo => protected'' (0 chars) gender => protected'' (0 chars) name => protected'contra' (6 chars) firstName => protected'' (0 chars) middleName => protected'' (0 chars) lastName => protected'contra' (6 chars) birthday => protectedNULL title => protected'' (0 chars) address => protected'Postfach 3520' (13 chars) latitude => protected'54.323292700000' (15 chars) longitude => protected'10.122765100000' (15 chars) building => protected'' (0 chars) room => protected'' (0 chars) phone => protected'55779190' (8 chars) fax => protected'55779195' (8 chars) mobile => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'http://www.contra-sh.de' (23 chars) skype => protected'' (0 chars) twitter => protected'' (0 chars) facebook => protected'' (0 chars) linkedin => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'contra@frauenwerk.nordkirche.de' (31 chars) company => protected'Fachstelle gegen Frauenhandel in Schleswig-Holstein' (51 chars) position => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'Kiel' (4 chars) zip => protected'24034' (5 chars) region => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) description => protectedNULL categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1752 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1752 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1752 (integer)modified pid => protected350 (integer)
Details | KOK gegen Menschenhandel Details - KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel

Single View


Name of Institutioncontra
counselling against trafficking in women
P.O.-BoxPostfach 3520
Zip code24034
Federal StateSchleswig-Holstein
Telephone (Office)0431 / 55779190
0431/ 55779192
Telephone (Consulting)0431 / 55779191
Telephone (Mobile) /
ResponsibleFrauenwerk der Nordkirche
Umbrella Organisation
Services provided for Women (Victims)
Men (Victims)
Specialists/ Professionals
Politics and Public
Adresseés / Network
Office HoursMo. bis Fr. 9:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr
Availability by phone
E-Mail (consulting)contra@frauenwerk.nordkirche.de
E-Mail (office)contra@frauenwerk.nordkirche.de
Fax0431 / 55779195
Specialized Services provided Secure lodging
Emergency counseling/crisis intervention
Long-term aid
Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center)
Psycho-social support
Online counselling: counselling via e-mail and chat
Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities
Other specialized services
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation Forced marriage
Abuse in the name of 'honor'
Abuse in the setting of prostitution
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation
Type of Institution Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for domestic violence
Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation
Crisis Support
Other Type of Institution
Barrier-free Rooms / are not wheelchair accessible
Counselling in easy-to-understand-language possible
Prospective offers for persons of concern
Languages Albanian
Other LanguagesLettisch, Ukrainisch, Kurmanci
Remarks / SpecificsCounselling possible in the following languages through interpreters: Bulgarian, French, Croat, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Turkish
Additional InformationCoordination, networking and committee work Developing interdisciplinary collaboration and networking among relevant stakeholders Creation of a national network listing accommodation options Training, PR and lobbying activities Information meetings, consultations and counselling Assistance to organise and source funding to return clients to home country Unconditional support aimed at trafficked women Education and raising awareness among the general public and experts Promoting collaboration among relevant stakeholders in Schleswig-Holstein Improving the legal and structural framework needed to support trafficked persons
Last Changed2020-06-03 12:47
Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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