Contact and Links


Alliance for action against trafficking in women (Aktionsbündnis gegen Frauenhandel)

“Alliance for action against trafficking in women” is an informal network of 20 non-governmental organisations in Bavaria, most of which have a religious background. The activities of the network are closely related to the practical work of its members and aim at raising public awareness for the topic of trafficking in women. This is achieved through yearly conferences as well as general information and political lobbying activities.

Aktionsbündnis gegen Frauenhandel
c/o Renovabis
Domberg 27
D-85354 Freising


Working group AKtiv (Arbeitskreis AKtiv)

The network “Working group AKtiv“in Baden-Württemberg has launched a website for (potential) victims of human trafficking, providing information on the activities of the network and offers assistance in 18 different languages.


bff: Federal Association of rape crisis- and women’s counselling centres (bff: Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe e.V)

The Federal Association of rape crisis- and women’s counselling centres, was founded in 2004 and strives to improve the situation of women who have become victims of violence. To achieve this goal the bff works in the fields of networking, training, public relations, quality management and -development are employed. The Association comments on current developments regarding the topic of violence against women and represents the interests of its members, counselling centres and support hotlines.

bff: Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe e.V. 
Rungestraße 22-24
D-10179 Berlin
Phone: +49 30-32299500


National Council of German Women's Organisations (Deutscher Frauenrat DFR)

The National Council of German Women's Organisations is a federal association of more than 50 women’s associations and organisations with an approximate number of 11 million individual members. It represents the interests of women on the national, European and international level. The National Council’s members come from various different organisations and range from religious and professional groups, women’s associations, political parties, trade unions to non-denominational and non-partisan organisations.

Women’s rights are human rights: One of the council’s main requests is the implementation of women’s rights. The Council does not only demand an improvement of the human rights situation of women in their home countries, but moreover fights for gender-specific persecution to be accepted as a reason for granting asylum. 

Deutscher Frauenrat
Axel-Springer-Straße 54a 
D-10117 Berlin


German Institute for Human Rights (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte DIMR)

Based on the recommendation of the German Federal Parliament, the German Institute for Human Rights was founded in 2001. The Institute is an independent association that aims to promote and protect human rights within and outside of Germany. Its main activities are providing information and documentation, scientific research on human rights topics, policy advice for political and social representatives, human rights education as well as cooperation with other national and international human rights institutions.

The Institute carries out the project „Forced Labour Today“, which aims to support persons who have been trafficked into labour and sexual exploitation to obtain wages and compensation.

Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
Zimmerstraße 26/27
D-10969 Berlin


ECPAT Germany - Working group to protect children from sexual exploitation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Schutz der Kinder gegen sexuelle Ausbeutung)

ECPAT Germany is a federal association of 20 institutions and groups working against all forms of commercial exploitation and sexual abuse of children. ECPAT demands compliance with the UN- children´s rights- convention, and advocates causes of violation of the Convention to be highlighted and to fight them with all available means.

ECPAT Germany is engaged in a number of sectors, such as politics, economics, law and education. ECPAT carries out campaigns and projects in corporation with governmental and non-governmental organisations. Goals of ECPATS campaigns are: to sensitize the public, to develop preventive measures and to improve the legal framework in child protection.

The KOK cooperates with ECPAT Germany predominantly regarding the issue of trafficking in children.

ECPAT Deutschland e.V.
Alfred-Döblin-Platz 1
D-79100 Freiburg
Phone:+49 761 45687-148 


Project "Fair Mobility” (Projekt “Faire Mobilität”)

The main objectives of “Faire Mobility” are to enforce fair income and decent working conditions for central- and east European employees working in Germany. In 6 counselling centres employees can receive information about employment and social laws in their native languages. These counselling centres are part of a nationwide network and are cooperating with similar local organisations. The political responsibility lies with the federal board of the German Trade Union Federation DGB.

Projekt "Faire Mobilität“
DGB Bezirk Berlin-Brandenburg
Keithstraße 1–3
D-10787 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 21 240 540


Forum Human Rights (Forum Menschenrechte)

KOK is a member of the Forum Menschenrechte (FMR). FMR is a network of 50 German non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are committed to better and more comprehensive protection of human rights – worldwide, in specific regions of the world, within countries and also within the Federal Republic of Germany.

Forum Menschenrechte, Netzwerk deutscher Menschenrechtsorganisationen
Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte
Greifswalder Straße 4
D-10405 Berlin


Association of Women's Shelters (Frauenkoordinierung FHK e.V.)

The Association of Women's Shelters (Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. - FHK e.V.) devotes itself to reducing violence against women and establishing effective support for abused women and children. The association´s administration office promotes the networking of women’s houses in Germany and produces information material regarding the issues of trafficking in women, violence against women and anti-violence-work.

Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V.
Tucholskystraße 11
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 92122083/84 und +49 30 - 32661233


Central information centre of autonomic women´s houses (Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser ZIF)

ZIF was founded 1980 in order to coordinate and support the political and conceptual exchange of autonomous women´s houses in Germany. Furthermore it aims to influence the shaping of public opinion and legislation processes on the national and international level, following basic democratic principles. ZIF is politically and denominational independent, and currently networks 135 autonomic women´s houses in Germany. Central working areas of ZIF are: networking, public relations, coordination of nationwide working groups, organisation of campaigns and conferences dealing with violence against women as well as the representation of the interests of the women´s shelters.

ZIF gets elected by their member organisations for at least 3 years. At the moment the management office works in Bonn.

Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser
Markt 4
D-5311 Bonn
Phone: +49 228-68469504



Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ)

BMFSFJ supports the work of KOK since 1999. KOK is a member of the BMFSFJ-chaired federal-Länder working group on trafficking in human beings

Women ministry / Department Gender Equality

  • The BMFSFJ plays the leading role in drafting federal legislation regarding gender equality and takes influence on legislation proposals of other federal ministries if they affect women or gender quality.
  • the ministry develops programs and initiatives to enforce gender equality in politics, the society and on the labour market as well as to reduce violence against women.
  • carries out research and model projects and publishes documentations
  • supports and funds women organisations and nationwide gender equality networks
  • chairs the federal- Länder working group on combating domestic violence against women (Bund-Länder Arbeitsgruppe zur Bekämpfung häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen) as well as the federal- Länder working group on trafficking in human beings (Bund-Länder Arbeitsgruppe Menschenhandel)

Glinkastr. 24
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 20655-0


Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern BMI)

Through participation in the federal-Länder working group on trafficking in human beings and in the human rights forum, the KOK is regularly communicating with different departments of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and other ministries. The BMI is a point of contact for the following issues:

  • issues regarding victims of trafficking and the German residence act:
    Department of migration, integration, refugees and European harmonisation.
  • Corporation between law enforcement agencies in the field of human trafficking and specialised counselling services for victims of trafficking in women:
    Department of police matters, internal security

Alt-Moabit 101 D
D-10559 Berlin


Cooperation with further ministries:

  • In the areas of human trafficking into labour exploitation and labour exploitation, labour market access for migrants as well as female victim witnesses of trafficking in human beings: Federal ministry of labour and social affairs (BMAS)
  • In questions of health issues of female migrants and victims of human trafficking, compensation for victims, social law: Federal ministry of health (BMG)
  • In the area of legislation amendments regarding combating human trafficking: Federal ministry of justice (BMJ)



Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt)

The federal foreign office has its head office in Berlin, an administrative office in Bonn and 230 abroad agencies. It is responsible for German international and European politics. Central to the work of the federal foreign office are foreign affair conceptions and analysis, as well as providing concrete instructions for German missions abroad. It particularly focuses on European politics, globalisation, human rights, security, humanitarian aid, and cultural and educational policy.

Auswärtiges Amt
D-11013 Berlin
Telephone switchboard with 24-hour service: +49 3018-17-0


German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA)

The BKA, as the central criminal investigation department in Germany is coordinating crime prevention and crime abatement on national and international level. Due to its responsibility of fighting human trafficking in Germany, the BKA also participates in the federal- Länder working group on trafficking in human beings  Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe Menschenhandel Annually the BKA publishes a report about the current situation of human trafficking in Germany. Furthermore, the KOK e.V. and the BKA are continuously collaborating regarding relevant questions about trafficking in humans, improving shelter for victims and the above mentioned interdisciplinary corporations in Germany.

D-65173 Wiesbaden


Violence against women support hotline (Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen)

Since March 2013, the violence against women support hotline, located at the federal office of family and civil and social affairs (Bundesamt für Familie und Zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben, BAFzA) in Cologne, offers confidential advice to women who have become victims of violence. The support hotline supports female victims of every type of violence in many different languages, operating day and night 365 days a year. The hotline is also accessible for women with disabilities. If needed the support hotline refers the clients to local support services such as counselling centres and women’s shelters. Furthermore, the hotline also offers support for professionals and volunteers who are confronted with violence against women through their work.

Free telephone number: 08000-116 016



Online-magazine "Human trafficking today" (menschenhandel heute)

The online magazine “human trafficking today” was funded 2011 by students of the Humboldt university in Berlin as part of a student project. Since then it is being continued by volunteers. The online magazine deals critically with issues of human trafficking, sex work, migration, labour and women´s rights, gender, racism etc. Furthermore it comments on current discussions and developments regarding human trafficking.

Sonja Dolinsek
c/o Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Friedrichstrasse 191-193
D-10117 Berlin


Socio-scientific women research institute Freiburg
(Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg SoFFI F.)

The SoFFI F. institute is a department of the research and innovation alliance of the University of Freiburg for practical appliance and empirical social research (FIVE e.V.). SoFFI F. was funded in 1996 and represents a research institute dedicated to women- and gender studies. SoFFI.F has its head office in Freiburg and a branch office in Berlin. Its research mostly investigates the life situation of women and men and gender relations with a particular focus on family, underprivileged youth and violence. The aim of SoFFI F. is to achieve gender equality by improving and spreading gender sensible concepts of social work.

SoFFI F. - Freiburg
Bugginger Straße 38,
D-79114 Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 - 47 812 690

SoFFI F. - Berlin
Kottbusser Damm 79,
D-10967 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 - 691 48 32


SPI research gGmbH (SPI Forschung gGmbh)

SPI research gGmbH is a scientific research and education institute working in qualitative and quantitative socio-scientific health and prevention research and is based in Berlin, Magdeburg and Stendal.

The institute has a practice- and implementation orientated research approach and works in close corporation with staff of medial and psycho-social care services and political decision makers. Furthermore the institute engages on behalf of societal groups, who are difficult to reach for research, prevention and care, and who have limited possibilities to articulate their needs, such as for example female and male prostitutes and their clients.

Contact: Berlin SPI Forschung gGmbH: Kottbusser Straße 9 D–10999 Berlin Phone: +49 30-252 16 19

Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76

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