Human trafficking KOK informs Datenschutz KOK Publikationen Fachpublikation | Studien | Berichte Statistik National
On the 18th of October, the european day against trafficking in human beings the KOK published a new report on data collection and data protection in anti-trafficking work.
On 18th of October, the european day against Trafficking in Human Beings a virtual expert discussion will take place with KOK Executive Director Sophia Wirsching.
GAATW - the Global Alliance against Traffic in Women is an international NGO based in Bangkok, Thailand. GAATW's International Coordinator Bandana Pattanaik and colleagues blog regularly about trafficking in human beings…
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Fachpublikation | Studien | Berichte Medien / Materialien
On 30th of July - the World Day against Trafficking - KOK published its newest book
The newest KOK publication is the 2nd volume of the book series 'Trafficking in Human Beings in Germany'
Concluding remarks on policy strategies against trafficking in human beings by former UN Special Rapporteur Maria Grazia Giammarinaro
KOK informs
In 7 days, on the 30th of July 2020, the 2nd volume of the KOK book-series Trafficking in Human Beings will be available
New international measures have been supported by the ILO which attribute seafearers more protection during the COVID-19 pandemic
ECHR finds shortcomings in Croatian authorities’ investigation into an allegation of forced prostitution. Inadequate response of Croatian authorities constitutes a violation of Article 4 ECHR (prohibition of slavery and…
“In this moment, widely seen as unprecedented, the anti-trafficking movement needs to take a step back and, for once, not make it about trafficking…”