array(2 items) settings => array(6 items) azbrowser => array(1 item) search => array(23 items) a => array(3 items) display => 'A' (1 chars) value => 'a,ä' (4 chars) param => 'a' (1 chars) b => array(3 items) display => 'B' (1 chars) value => 'b' (1 chars) param => 'b' (1 chars) c => array(3 items) display => 'C' (1 chars) value => 'c' (1 chars) param => 'c' (1 chars) d => array(3 items) display => 'D' (1 chars) value => 'd' (1 chars) param => 'd' (1 chars) e => array(3 items) display => 'E' (1 chars) value => 'e' (1 chars) param => 'e' (1 chars) f => array(3 items) display => 'F' (1 chars) value => 'f' (1 chars) param => 'f' (1 chars) g => array(3 items) display => 'G' (1 chars) value => 'g' (1 chars) param => 'g' (1 chars) h => array(3 items) display => 'H' (1 chars) value => 'h' (1 chars) param => 'h' (1 chars) i => array(3 items) display => 'I' (1 chars) value => 'i' (1 chars) param => 'i' (1 chars) j => array(3 items) display => 'J' (1 chars) value => 'j' (1 chars) param => 'j' (1 chars) k => array(3 items) display => 'K' (1 chars) value => 'k' (1 chars) param => 'k' (1 chars) l => array(3 items) display => 'L' (1 chars) value => 'l' (1 chars) param => 'l' (1 chars) m => array(3 items) display => 'M' (1 chars) value => 'm' (1 chars) param => 'm' (1 chars) n => array(3 items) display => 'N' (1 chars) value => 'n' (1 chars) param => 'n' (1 chars) o => array(3 items) display => 'O' (1 chars) value => 'o,ö' (4 chars) param => 'o' (1 chars) p => array(3 items) display => 'P' (1 chars) value => 'p' (1 chars) param => 'p' (1 chars) q => array(3 items) display => 'QR' (2 chars) value => 'q,r' (3 chars) param => 'q' (1 chars) s => array(3 items) display => 'S' (1 chars) value => 's' (1 chars) param => 's' (1 chars) t => array(3 items) display => 'T' (1 chars) value => 't' (1 chars) param => 't' (1 chars) u => array(3 items) display => 'U' (1 chars) value => 'u' (1 chars) param => 'u,ü' (4 chars) v => array(3 items) display => 'V' (1 chars) value => 'v' (1 chars) param => 'v' (1 chars) w => array(3 items) display => 'W' (1 chars) value => 'w' (1 chars) param => 'w' (1 chars) x => array(3 items) display => 'XYZ' (3 chars) value => 'x,y,z' (5 chars) param => 'x' (1 chars) listLimit => '' (0 chars) pageBrowserLimit => '' (0 chars) detailPid => '' (0 chars) startingpoint => '350' (3 chars) recursive => '' (0 chars) address => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Addressprototypepersistent entity (uid=1767, pid=350) tstamp => protected1716993605 (integer) comments => protected'Die Beratung ist vertraulich, kostenlos und auf Wunsch anonym. Im Auftrag
des Hessischen Ministeriums für Soziales und Integration ist FIM seit 1999
Hessische Koordinierungsstelle in der Arbeit gegen Menschenhandel und zentr
ales Mitglied des Runden Tisches “Bekämpfung von Menschenhandel in Hessen
”. FIM ist eine der beiden spezialisierten Fachberatungsstellen in Hessen
und zuständig für Süd-, Mittel-, Ost- und Westhessen. Öffentlichkeits
arbeit, interdisziplinäre Kooperationen und Vernetzung, politische Advocacy
-Arbeit, Vorträge und Seminare, Pressearbeit, Zusammenarbeit mit Frauenproj
ekten und Migrant*innengruppen auf regionaler, nationaler und internationale
r Ebene. Zielsetzung: (Sexualisierte) Gewalt an Frauen im Migrationsproz
ess stoppen, Selbstbestimmungs- und Handlungspotentiale der Migrant*innen st
ärken, Menschenrechte für die Klient*innen und ihre Familien erwirken, soz
iale Teilhabe und interkulturelle Kommunikation fördern ' (972 chars) txKsaddressPostfach => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelMobil => protected'6254994; 0177 / 6254995; 0177 / 6254996; 0157-83254994 ' (58 chars) txKsaddressTelHotline => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTraeger => protected'FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V.' (40 chars) txKsaddressDachverband => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressCompanyEn => protected'Women’s Rights are Human Rights - ecumenical group' (52 chars) txKsaddressCommentsEn => protected'Councelling is free and, if desired, anonymous. Coordination centre in th
e State of Hessen FIM is focusing on trafficking in human beings since 1999
Devises policies, quality standards and training courses. FIM is the best
specialised counselling centre for Southern, Middle, Eastern and Western He
ssen. PR and networking through political lobbying, talks and seminars, p
ress releases, collaboration with women’s projects and groups for female m
igrants at regional, national and international level Interdisciplinary c
ooperation with the aim of: stopping (sexual) violence against women in migr
ation; empowering female migrants to achieve self-determination and promote
their potential for action; establishing the rights of clients and their fam
ilies; promoting intercultural communication' (804 chars) txKsaddressComments2 => protected'Alphabetisierungs- und Deutschkurse für MigrantInnen. Die Beratung ist kost
enlos, vertraulich und auf Wunsch anonym. Zuständige Fachberatungsstelle
für Süd-, Mittel-, Ost- und Westhessen. Sensibilisierungsarbeit für d
ie Nachfrageseite im Rotlichtmilieu (Kampagne zur Fußball WM 2006 „Stoppt
Zwangsprostitution“:; Hotline: 0
180 2006 110) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, interdisziplinäre Kooperationen un
d Vernetzung, politische Advocacy-Arbeit, Vorträge und Seminare, Pressearbe
it, Zusammenarbeit mit Frauenprojekten und Migrantinnengruppen auf regionale
r, nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Zielsetzung: (Sexualisierte) Ge
walt an Frauen im Migrationsprozess stoppen, Selbstbestimmungs- und Handlung
spotentiale der Migrantinnen stärken, Menschenrechte für die Klientinnen u
nd ihre Familien erwirken, Integration und interkulturelle Kommunikation fö
rdern' (917 chars) txKsaddressComments2En => protected'Coordination centre in the State of Hessen focusing on trafficking in human
beings. Devises policies, quality standards and training courses. Specia
lised counselling centre for Southern, Middle, Eastern and Western Hessen P
roject focused on human rights for illegal immigrants and more specifically
on the situation of children. Contributing to a scientific study entitled
“being illegal in Frankfurt” Raising awareness on demand in the red-lig
ht sector (e.g. ran campaign aimed at clients of sex workers: “fair sex at
World Cup 2006”) Selection of training courses for clients, students an
d specific groups of professionals, in Germany (German and orientation cours
es, symposia, training courses and information regarding specific topics and
cultures, mentoring for children and adolescents from migration families)
PR and networking through political lobbying, talks and seminars, press rele
ases, collaboration with women’s projects and groups for female migrants a
t regional, national and international level Interdisciplinary cooperatio
n with the aim of: stopping (sexual) violence against women in migration; em
powering female migrants to achieve self-determination and promote their pot
ential for action; establishing the rights of clients and their families; pr
omoting intercultural communication' (1327 chars) txKsaddressMember => protectedTRUE txKsaddressVorwahlTel => protected'069' (3 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlTelBeratung => protected'069' (3 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlFax => protected'069' (3 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlMobil => protected'0177' (4 chars) txKsaddressAdressenzusatz => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOrtsteil => protected'Bockenheim' (10 chars) txKsaddressRegion => protected107 (integer) txKsaddressCountry => protected101 (integer) txKsaddressAnfahrt => protected'Straßenbahnlinien 16 und 17: Haltestelle Varrentrappstraße U-Bahnlinie 4:
Haltestelle Messe, U-Bahnlinien 6 und 7: Haltestelle Bockenheimer Warte,
S-Bahnlinien 3, 4, 5, 6: Haltestelle Westbahnhof' (200 chars) txKsaddressTelBeratung => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressZielgruppen => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (17 items) 000000000fe0f9b9000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=101, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'101: Frauen (Betroffene)' (24 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'101: Women (Victims)' (20 chars) uid => protected101 (integer) _localizedUid => protected101 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected101 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9c4000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=102, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'102: Mädchen (Betroffene)' (26 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'102: Girls (Victims)' (20 chars) uid => protected102 (integer) _localizedUid => protected102 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected102 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b8000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=103, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'103: Lesbische Frauen und Mädchen (Betroffene)' (47 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'103: Lesbian Women and Girls (Victims)' (38 chars) uid => protected103 (integer) _localizedUid => protected103 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected103 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9a7000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=104, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'104: Jungen (Betroffene)' (24 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'104: Boys (victims)' (19 chars) uid => protected104 (integer) _localizedUid => protected104 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected104 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9bb000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=105, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'105: Männer (Betroffene)' (25 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'105: Men (Victims)' (18 chars) uid => protected105 (integer) _localizedUid => protected105 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected105 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9ab000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=111, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'111: Paare und Familien' (23 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'111: Relationship Counselling' (29 chars) uid => protected111 (integer) _localizedUid => protected111 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected111 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9c5000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=112, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'112: trans*Personen' (19 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'112: Persons identifying as Transexuals' (39 chars) uid => protected112 (integer) _localizedUid => protected112 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected112 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9a8000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=113, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'113: Fachkräfte' (16 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'113: Specialists/ Professionals ' (32 chars) uid => protected113 (integer) _localizedUid => protected113 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected113 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b6000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'114: Angehörige und näheres Umfeld' (36 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'114: Relatives' (14 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b1000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=117, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'117: Migrant*innen' (18 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'117: Migrants' (13 chars) uid => protected117 (integer) _localizedUid => protected117 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected117 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b0000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=118, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'118: Freier' (11 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'118: Client' (11 chars) uid => protected118 (integer) _localizedUid => protected118 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected118 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b3000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=123, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'123: Politik und Öffentlichkeit' (32 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'123: Politics and Public' (24 chars) uid => protected123 (integer) _localizedUid => protected123 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected123 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9ba000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=124, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'124: nicht-binäre Personen' (27 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'124: non-binary Persons' (23 chars) uid => protected124 (integer) _localizedUid => protected124 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected124 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9b2000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=125, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'125: intergeschlechtliche Personen' (34 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'125: intersex Persons' (21 chars) uid => protected125 (integer) _localizedUid => protected125 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected125 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9be000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=126, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'126: agender Personen' (21 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'126: agender Persons' (20 chars) uid => protected126 (integer) _localizedUid => protected126 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected126 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9bf000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=127, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'127: trans*Frauen' (17 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'127: trans*Women' (16 chars) uid => protected127 (integer) _localizedUid => protected127 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected127 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000000fe0f9bc000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=128, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'128: trans*Männer' (18 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'128: trans*Men' (14 chars) uid => protected128 (integer) _localizedUid => protected128 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected128 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) txKsaddressAltersgrenzen => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeiten => protected'Montag bis Donnerstag von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr, Freitag von 09:00 bis 14:00 U
hr und nach Vereinbarung' (101 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeitenEn => protected'Monday to Thursday 9 am to 4 pm Friday from 9 am to 2 pm Counselling appoi
ntments can be arranged outside office hours by telephone.' (134 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeit => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeitEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailBeratung => protected'' (38 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofil => protected'102,103,104,106,107,108,109,110,111,115,117,118,119,121' (55 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstige => protected'Hessische Koordinierungsstelle für die Opferschutzarbeit gegen Menschenhand
el ' (79 chars) txKsaddressGewaltformen => protected'101,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,117' (47 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstigeEn => protected'Coordination office for victim protection against human trafficking in the S
tate of Hessen' (90 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsart => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (3 items) 000000000fe0f659000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=103, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle' (26 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle/Frauenhausberatungsstelle/Beratung bei häusliche
r Gewalt ' (86 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'103: Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for dom
estic violence' (90 chars) uid => protected103 (integer) _localizedUid => protected103 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected103 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 000000000fe0f652000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung' (74 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung ' (75 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'114: Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and expl
oitation' (84 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 000000000fe0f65e000000002b910982 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=116, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'116: Beratungsstelle für Sexarbeiter*innen' (43 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'116: Beratungsstelle für Sexarbeiter*innen' (43 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'116: Counseling Center for sex workers' (38 chars) uid => protected116 (integer) _localizedUid => protected116 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected116 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefreiKeys => protected'112,114' (7 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefrei => protected'Räume / sind nicht rollstuhlgerecht, aber mobile Beratung' (58 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartBarrierefreiEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSprachen => protected'120,130,160,177,180,190,200,270,300,347,350,355,360,400' (55 chars) txKsaddressSprachenSonstige => protected'Ungarisch' (9 chars) txKsaddressSicherheit => protectedFALSE txKsaddressAufnahmesoehne => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressHaustiere => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlung => protected'101,102,103' (11 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlungSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressFreigabeHilfetelefon => protectedTRUE txKsaddressComments => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressIsmaster => protectedTRUE txKsaddressMasterid => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressClones => protected'BFF_139' (7 chars) txKsaddressAdmininfo => protected'' (0 chars) gender => protected'' (0 chars) name => protected'FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V. - Hessische Koordinierungsstelle ge
gen Menschenhandel und Fachberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel' (148 chars) firstName => protected'' (0 chars) middleName => protected'' (0 chars) lastName => protected'FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V. - Hessische Koordinierungsstelle ge
gen Menschenhandel und Fachberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel' (148 chars) birthday => protectedNULL title => protected'' (0 chars) address => protected'Varrentrappstraße 55 ' (22 chars) latitude => protected'50.115415250000' (15 chars) longitude => protected'8.646403166509' (14 chars) building => protected'' (0 chars) room => protected'' (0 chars) phone => protected'8700825-0' (9 chars) fax => protected'87 00 825 18' (12 chars) mobile => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'' (27 chars) skype => protected'' (0 chars) twitter => protected'' (0 chars) facebook => protected'' (0 chars) linkedin => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'' (38 chars) company => protected'Interkulturelles Beratungszentrum für Migrantinnen und ihre Familien' (69 chars) position => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'Frankfurt/Main' (14 chars) zip => protected'60486' (5 chars) region => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) description => protectedNULL categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1767 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1767 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1767 (integer)modified pid => protected350 (integer)
FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V. - Hessische Koordinierungsstelle gegen Menschenhandel und Fachberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel | |
Name of Institution | FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V. - Hessische Koordinierungsstelle gegen Menschenhandel und Fachberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel Women’s Rights are Human Rights - ecumenical group |
Status | MO |
P.O.-Box | Varrentrappstraße 55 |
Zip code | 60486 |
City | Frankfurt/Main |
Country | Germany |
Federal State | Hessen |
Telephone (Office) | 069 / 8700825-0 |
Telephone (Consulting) | 069 / |
Telephone (Mobile) | 0177 / 6254994; 0177 / 6254995; 0177 / 6254996; 0157-83254994 |
Responsible | FIM - Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V. |
Umbrella Organisation | |
Services provided for |
Women (Victims) Girls (Victims) Lesbian Women and Girls (Victims) Boys (victims) Men (Victims) Relationship Counselling Persons identifying as Transexuals Specialists/ Professionals Relatives Migrants Client Politics and Public non-binary Persons intersex Persons agender Persons trans*Women trans*Men |
Adresseés / Network | |
Office Hours | Montag bis Donnerstag von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr, Freitag von 09:00 bis 14:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung |
Availability by phone | |
E-Mail (consulting) | |
E-Mail (office) | |
Fax | 069 / 87 00 825 18 |
Internet | |
Specialized Services provided |
Consulting Emergency counseling/crisis intervention Long-term aid Group therapy (lead groups, self-help groups etc.) Psychological support Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center) pro-active counseling (guidence for circumstances with police involvement) Psycho-social support Prevention work Online counselling: counselling via e-mail and chat Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities Mobile counselling Contact procurement Advice and support in the asylum procedure |
Other specialized services | Coordination office for victim protection against human trafficking in the State of Hessen |
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation |
Domestic abuse – abuse in marital or ex-marital relationships Forced marriage Abuse in the name of 'honor' Abuse in the setting of prostitution Genital mutilation Human Trafficking Sexual exploitation and forced prostitution Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced labor Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced criminal activity Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced begging Human Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation Sexual violence |
Type of Institution |
Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for domestic violence Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation Counseling Center for sex workers |
Other Type of Institution | |
Barrier-free |
Counselling in easy-to-understand-language possible Prospective offers for persons of concern |
Languages |
Amharic Arabic Bulgarian German English Farsi/Persian French Paschtu Romanian Somali Spanish Tagalog Thai |
Other Languages | Ungarisch |
Remarks / Specifics | Councelling is free and, if desired, anonymous. Coordination centre in the State of Hessen FIM is focusing on trafficking in human beings since 1999 Devises policies, quality standards and training courses. FIM is the best specialised counselling centre for Southern, Middle, Eastern and Western Hessen. PR and networking through political lobbying, talks and seminars, press releases, collaboration with women’s projects and groups for female migrants at regional, national and international level Interdisciplinary cooperation with the aim of: stopping (sexual) violence against women in migration; empowering female migrants to achieve self-determination and promote their potential for action; establishing the rights of clients and their families; promoting intercultural communication |
Additional Information | Coordination centre in the State of Hessen focusing on trafficking in human beings. Devises policies, quality standards and training courses. Specialised counselling centre for Southern, Middle, Eastern and Western Hessen Project focused on human rights for illegal immigrants and more specifically on the situation of children. Contributing to a scientific study entitled “being illegal in Frankfurt” Raising awareness on demand in the red-light sector (e.g. ran campaign aimed at clients of sex workers: “fair sex at World Cup 2006”) Selection of training courses for clients, students and specific groups of professionals, in Germany (German and orientation courses, symposia, training courses and information regarding specific topics and cultures, mentoring for children and adolescents from migration families) PR and networking through political lobbying, talks and seminars, press releases, collaboration with women’s projects and groups for female migrants at regional, national and international level Interdisciplinary cooperation with the aim of: stopping (sexual) violence against women in migration; empowering female migrants to achieve self-determination and promote their potential for action; establishing the rights of clients and their families; promoting intercultural communication |
Last Changed | 2024-05-29 16:40 |