Trafficked persons have the right to avail of professional advice and support. In order to make use of their rights, they must be informed of the assistance available. Trafficked persons can seek advice in specialised counselling centres. The advice offered is free of charge, anonymous and independent of government authorities. Under the link services available you will find details of what assistance is available as well as a list of contact addresses and counselling centres near you.
Women who work in prostitution, but have not been trafficked, also may avail of specialised counselling geared towards them.
Above and beyond this all women can take refuge in a home for women.
Migrant women can also seek advice from specialised social centres for migrants and other women’s centres. In the case of the women in question having been trafficked, it is imperative that they contact one of the above-mentioned counselling centres.
Trade union based counselling centres also offer counselling regarding labour exploitation. They have a special focus on labour rights and unpaid wages. More information here.