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NADESCHDA - Frauenberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel

Name of InstitutionNADESCHDA - Frauenberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel
Women's counselling centre for victims of human trafficking
P.O.-BoxBielefelder Straße 25
Zip code32051
Federal StateNordrhein-Westfalen
Telephone (Office)05221 / 840200
Telephone (Consulting)05221 / 840200
Telephone (Mobile) /
ResponsibleEvangelische Frauenhilfe in Westfalen e.V.
Umbrella Organisation
Services provided for Women (Victims)
Girls (Victims)
Adresseés / Network
Availability by phoneMo. bis Fr. 9:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr
E-Mail (consulting)
E-Mail (office)
Fax05221 / 840201
Specialized Services provided Consulting
Emergency counseling/crisis intervention
Long-term aid
Psychological support
Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center)
pro-active counseling (guidence for circumstances with police involvement)
Psycho-social support
Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities
Contact procurement
Other specialized servicesInternational networking seminars
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation Human Trafficking
Sexual exploitation and forced prostitution
Type of Institution Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation
Other Type of InstitutionSince we work in an office with the prostitute counselling centre 'Theodora', appointments can be arranged with them if necessary.
Languages Bulgarian
Other Languages
Remarks / SpecificsPersonal counselling sessions by appointment after a preliminary telephone conversation
Additional InformationPR: the counselling centre disseminates information regarding the socio-economic background leading to marriage/labour migration of women from Eastern and Central Europe and Africa, and on trafficking in human beings. Raises awareness through articles, talks, exhibitions, actions and discussions on problems specific to migrants, especially persons affected by trafficking in human beings, and to raise funds. Networking in Germany at national, State, regional and international level through: Maintaining contact with women’s projects and Church groups where affected persons returning to their home countries can find help Arranging international symposia on trafficking in human beings every two years in Soest Aim: providing persons affected by trafficking in human beings with the opportunity to address personal issues, evaluate their readiness to testify against traffickers, and support women wishing to return to their home country. The counselling concept is oriented towards the needs of the women who contact the counselling centre and is based on the self-help model: in the short term, the NGO offers crisis intervention, support through emergency, crisis and difficult situations; in the long term, it focuses on the principle of self-help to assist women in planning their own life and to cope with their everyday lives
Last Changed2022-09-16 12:03
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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76

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