Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   settings => array(6 items)
      azbrowser => array(1 item)
         search => array(23 items)
            a => array(3 items)
               display => 'A' (1 chars)
               value => 'a,ä' (4 chars)
               param => 'a' (1 chars)
            b => array(3 items)
               display => 'B' (1 chars)
               value => 'b' (1 chars)
               param => 'b' (1 chars)
            c => array(3 items)
               display => 'C' (1 chars)
               value => 'c' (1 chars)
               param => 'c' (1 chars)
            d => array(3 items)
               display => 'D' (1 chars)
               value => 'd' (1 chars)
               param => 'd' (1 chars)
            e => array(3 items)
               display => 'E' (1 chars)
               value => 'e' (1 chars)
               param => 'e' (1 chars)
            f => array(3 items)
               display => 'F' (1 chars)
               value => 'f' (1 chars)
               param => 'f' (1 chars)
            g => array(3 items)
               display => 'G' (1 chars)
               value => 'g' (1 chars)
               param => 'g' (1 chars)
            h => array(3 items)
               display => 'H' (1 chars)
               value => 'h' (1 chars)
               param => 'h' (1 chars)
            i => array(3 items)
               display => 'I' (1 chars)
               value => 'i' (1 chars)
               param => 'i' (1 chars)
            j => array(3 items)
               display => 'J' (1 chars)
               value => 'j' (1 chars)
               param => 'j' (1 chars)
            k => array(3 items)
               display => 'K' (1 chars)
               value => 'k' (1 chars)
               param => 'k' (1 chars)
            l => array(3 items)
               display => 'L' (1 chars)
               value => 'l' (1 chars)
               param => 'l' (1 chars)
            m => array(3 items)
               display => 'M' (1 chars)
               value => 'm' (1 chars)
               param => 'm' (1 chars)
            n => array(3 items)
               display => 'N' (1 chars)
               value => 'n' (1 chars)
               param => 'n' (1 chars)
            o => array(3 items)
               display => 'O' (1 chars)
               value => 'o,ö' (4 chars)
               param => 'o' (1 chars)
            p => array(3 items)
               display => 'P' (1 chars)
               value => 'p' (1 chars)
               param => 'p' (1 chars)
            q => array(3 items)
               display => 'QR' (2 chars)
               value => 'q,r' (3 chars)
               param => 'q' (1 chars)
            s => array(3 items)
               display => 'S' (1 chars)
               value => 's' (1 chars)
               param => 's' (1 chars)
            t => array(3 items)
               display => 'T' (1 chars)
               value => 't' (1 chars)
               param => 't' (1 chars)
            u => array(3 items)
               display => 'U' (1 chars)
               value => 'u' (1 chars)
               param => 'u,ü' (4 chars)
            v => array(3 items)
               display => 'V' (1 chars)
               value => 'v' (1 chars)
               param => 'v' (1 chars)
            w => array(3 items)
               display => 'W' (1 chars)
               value => 'w' (1 chars)
               param => 'w' (1 chars)
            x => array(3 items)
               display => 'XYZ' (3 chars)
               value => 'x,y,z' (5 chars)
               param => 'x' (1 chars)
      listLimit => '' (0 chars)
      pageBrowserLimit => '' (0 chars)
      detailPid => '' (0 chars)
      startingpoint => '350' (3 chars)
      recursive => '' (0 chars)
   address => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Addressprototypepersistent entity (uid=1785, pid=350)
      tstamp => protected1591181233 (integer)
      comments => protected'Persönliche Beratungsgespräche nach telefonischem Vorgespräch mit Terminv
         ereinbarung. Beratungsangebot ist kostenlos; überregional; gute Vernetzung
          mit anderen SOLWODI Einrichtungen bzgl. Vermittlung einer sicheren Unterkun
' (230 chars) txKsaddressPostfach => protected'2305' (4 chars) txKsaddressTelExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelMobil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelHotline => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTraeger => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressDachverband => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressCompanyEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressCommentsEn => protected'Personal counselling sessions by appointment after a preliminary telephone c
         onversation. Free consulting services; supra-regional; good networking with
          other SOLWODI facilities with regard to finding secure accommodation
' (221 chars) txKsaddressComments2 => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressComments2En => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressMember => protectedFALSE txKsaddressVorwahlTel => protected'0851' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlTelBeratung => protected'0851' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlFax => protected'0851' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlMobil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdressenzusatz => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOrtsteil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressRegion => protected102 (integer) txKsaddressCountry => protected101 (integer) txKsaddressAnfahrt => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelBeratung => protected'9666450' (7 chars) txKsaddressZielgruppen => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000027518152000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=112, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'112: trans*Personen' (19 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'112: Persons identifying as Transexuals' (39 chars) uid => protected112 (integer) _localizedUid => protected112 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected112 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000002751815f000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=113, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'113: Fachkräfte' (16 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'113: Specialists/ Professionals ' (32 chars) uid => protected113 (integer) _localizedUid => protected113 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected113 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 0000000027518153000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'114: Angehörige und näheres Umfeld' (36 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'114: Relatives' (14 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 000000002751817c000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=117, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'117: Migrant*innen' (18 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'117: Migrants' (13 chars) uid => protected117 (integer) _localizedUid => protected117 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected117 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) txKsaddressAltersgrenzen => protected'ab 18 Jahren' (12 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeiten => protected'Mo. bis Fr. 8:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr ' (33 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeitenEn => protected'Mo.- Fr. 8:30am - 5pm ' (22 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeit => protected'Telefonische Erreichbarkeit auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten ' (64 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeitEn => protected'Telephone availability is also besides office hours .' (53 chars) txKsaddressEmailBeratung => protected'passau@solwodi.de' (17 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofil => protected'101,102,103,104,107,108,109,110,117,118,119' (43 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressGewaltformen => protected'101,104,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115' (47 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsart => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (7 items) 0000000027518ec1000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=101, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'101: Frauenhaus' (15 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'101: Frauenhaus' (15 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'101: Women's shelter' (20 chars) uid => protected101 (integer) _localizedUid => protected101 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected101 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 0000000027518ec4000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=102, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'102: Zufluchtswohnung' (21 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'102: Zufluchtswohnung' (21 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'102: Safe house' (15 chars) uid => protected102 (integer) _localizedUid => protected102 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected102 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 0000000027518ec0000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=103, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle' (26 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'103: Frauenberatungsstelle/Frauenhausberatungsstelle/Beratung bei häusliche
               r Gewalt
' (86 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'103: Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for dom
               estic violence
' (90 chars) uid => protected103 (integer) _localizedUid => protected103 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected103 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
0000000027518ed8000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=104, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'104: Notruf/ Hilfetelefon sexualisierte Gewalt' (46 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'104: Notruf/ Hilfetelefon sexualisierte Gewalt' (46 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'104: Emergency call/ Emergency hotline for sexualized violence' (62 chars) uid => protected104 (integer) _localizedUid => protected104 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected104 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 0000000027518ec3000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung' (74 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung ' (75 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'114: Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and expl
' (84 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
0000000027518edb000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=116, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'116: Beratungsstelle für Sexarbeiter*innen' (43 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'116: Beratungsstelle für Sexarbeiter*innen' (43 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'116: Counseling Center for sex workers' (38 chars) uid => protected116 (integer) _localizedUid => protected116 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected116 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 0000000027518ec5000000001d095993 => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=136, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'136: anderes' (12 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'136: anderes' (12 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'136: other' (10 chars) uid => protected136 (integer) _localizedUid => protected136 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected136 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefreiKeys => protected'101,108,112,114' (15 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefrei => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartBarrierefreiEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSprachen => protected'130,160,170,177,180,190,200,250,255,270,290,300,310' (51 chars) txKsaddressSprachenSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSicherheit => protectedTRUE txKsaddressAufnahmesoehne => protected'102,105' (7 chars) txKsaddressHaustiere => protected'102' (3 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlung => protected'101,102' (7 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlungSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressFreigabeHilfetelefon => protectedTRUE txKsaddressComments => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressIsmaster => protectedTRUE txKsaddressMasterid => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressClones => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdmininfo => protected'' (0 chars) gender => protected'' (0 chars) name => protected'SOLWODI Bayern e.V. -Passau' (27 chars) firstName => protected'' (0 chars) middleName => protected'' (0 chars) lastName => protected'SOLWODI Bayern e.V. -Passau' (27 chars) birthday => protectedNULL title => protected'' (0 chars) address => protected'Postfach 2305' (13 chars) latitude => protected'48.566736000000' (15 chars) longitude => protected'13.431947000000' (15 chars) building => protected'' (0 chars) room => protected'' (0 chars) phone => protected'9666450' (7 chars) fax => protected'9666790' (7 chars) mobile => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'http://www.solwodi.de' (21 chars) skype => protected'' (0 chars) twitter => protected'' (0 chars) facebook => protected'' (0 chars) linkedin => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'passau@solwodi.de' (17 chars) company => protected'' (0 chars) position => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'Passau' (6 chars) zip => protected'94013' (5 chars) region => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) description => protectedNULL categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1785 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1785 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1785 (integer)modified pid => protected350 (integer)
Details | KOK gegen Menschenhandel Details - KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel

Single View

SOLWODI Bayern e.V. -Passau

Name of InstitutionSOLWODI Bayern e.V. -Passau
P.O.-BoxPostfach 2305
Zip code94013
Federal StateBayern
Telephone (Office)0851 / 9666450
Telephone (Consulting)0851 / 9666450
Telephone (Mobile) /
Umbrella Organisation
Services provided for Persons identifying as Transexuals
Specialists/ Professionals
Adresseés / Network
Office HoursMo. bis Fr. 8:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Availability by phoneTelefonische Erreichbarkeit auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten
E-Mail (consulting)passau@solwodi.de
E-Mail (office)passau@solwodi.de
Fax0851 / 9666790
Specialized Services provided Secure lodging
Emergency counseling/crisis intervention
Long-term aid
Psychological support
Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center)
pro-active counseling (guidence for circumstances with police involvement)
Psycho-social support
Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities
Mobile counselling
Contact procurement
Other specialized services
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation Domestic abuse – abuse in marital or ex-marital relationships
Forced marriage
Abuse in the name of 'honor'
Abuse in the setting of prostitution
Genital mutilation
Human Trafficking
Sexual exploitation and forced prostitution
Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced labor
Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced criminal activity
Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced begging
Human Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation
Type of Institution Women's shelter
Safe house
Women’s Counseling Centre/Women’s shelter/Counseling Centre for domestic violence
Emergency call/ Emergency hotline for sexualized violence
Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation
Counseling Center for sex workers
Other Type of Institution
Barrier-free Information / material in easy-to-understand language available
Rooms / are not wheelchair accessible
Counselling in easy-to-understand-language possible
Prospective offers for persons of concern
Languages Arabic
Other Languages
Remarks / SpecificsPersonal counselling sessions by appointment after a preliminary telephone conversation. Free consulting services; supra-regional; good networking with other SOLWODI facilities with regard to finding secure accommodation
Additional Information
Last Changed2020-06-03 12:47
Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

KOK auf bluesky