Mitternachtsmission Heilbronn | |
Name of Institution | Mitternachtsmission Heilbronn Special counselling centre for victims of human trafficking |
Status | MO |
P.O.-Box | Postfach 2638 |
Zip code | 74016 |
City | Heilbronn |
Country | Germany |
Federal State | Baden-Württemberg |
Telephone (Office) | 07131 / 9644-877 In Notfällen auch nachts und an Feiertagen zu erreichen unter: 07131 9644-888 |
Telephone (Consulting) | / |
Telephone (Mobile) | / |
Responsible | Diakonisches Werk für den Stadt- und Landkreis Heilbronn, Kreisdiakonieverband |
Umbrella Organisation | |
Services provided for |
Women (Victims) Girls (Victims) Men (Victims) Specialists/ Professionals Relatives |
Adresseés / Network | |
Office Hours | Montag-Freitag 8:30-17Uhr In Notfällen rund um die Uhr erreichbar für Betroffene aus Baden Württemberg und aufnahmebereit. |
Availability by phone | 07131-9644888 |
E-Mail (consulting) | |
E-Mail (office) | |
Fax | 07131 / 9644-7877 |
Internet | _blank |
Specialized Services provided |
Secure lodging Consulting Emergency counseling/crisis intervention Long-term aid Group therapy (lead groups, self-help groups etc.) Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center) pro-active counseling (guidence for circumstances with police involvement) Psycho-social support Prevention work Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities Mobile counselling |
Other specialized services | |
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation |
Abuse in the setting of prostitution Human Trafficking Sexual exploitation and forced prostitution Human Trafficking for the purpose of forced labor Human Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation |
Type of Institution |
Safe house Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation Counseling Center for sex workers |
Other Type of Institution | |
Barrier-free |
Information / material in easy-to-understand language available Rooms / not all rooms are wheelchair accessible |
Languages |
German English French |
Other Languages | Wir arbeiten für viele andere Sprachen mit ehrenamtlichen Dolmetscher*innen zusammen, die bei Bedarf angefragt werden können. |
Remarks / Specifics | Mitternachtsmission Heilbronn works nationwide, i.e. affected persons from all over Baden-Württemberg can be referred to the institution. We can organise interpreters for most languages on short notice. In addition, the midnight mission can be contacted by telephone around the clock and is ready to receive the patients. In emergencies also available at night and on public holidays at: 07131-84531. Return counselling and support when leaving the country. |
Additional Information | Counselling and support for return to client’s home country 24/7 emergency number Aim: putting affected persons in contact with specialised counselling centres and providing access to necessary services Raising awareness among the general public Networking in Baden-Württemberg |
Last Changed | 2024-04-02 15:04 |