Extbase Variable Dump
array(2 items)
   settings => array(6 items)
      azbrowser => array(1 item)
         search => array(23 items)
            a => array(3 items)
               display => 'A' (1 chars)
               value => 'a,ä' (4 chars)
               param => 'a' (1 chars)
            b => array(3 items)
               display => 'B' (1 chars)
               value => 'b' (1 chars)
               param => 'b' (1 chars)
            c => array(3 items)
               display => 'C' (1 chars)
               value => 'c' (1 chars)
               param => 'c' (1 chars)
            d => array(3 items)
               display => 'D' (1 chars)
               value => 'd' (1 chars)
               param => 'd' (1 chars)
            e => array(3 items)
               display => 'E' (1 chars)
               value => 'e' (1 chars)
               param => 'e' (1 chars)
            f => array(3 items)
               display => 'F' (1 chars)
               value => 'f' (1 chars)
               param => 'f' (1 chars)
            g => array(3 items)
               display => 'G' (1 chars)
               value => 'g' (1 chars)
               param => 'g' (1 chars)
            h => array(3 items)
               display => 'H' (1 chars)
               value => 'h' (1 chars)
               param => 'h' (1 chars)
            i => array(3 items)
               display => 'I' (1 chars)
               value => 'i' (1 chars)
               param => 'i' (1 chars)
            j => array(3 items)
               display => 'J' (1 chars)
               value => 'j' (1 chars)
               param => 'j' (1 chars)
            k => array(3 items)
               display => 'K' (1 chars)
               value => 'k' (1 chars)
               param => 'k' (1 chars)
            l => array(3 items)
               display => 'L' (1 chars)
               value => 'l' (1 chars)
               param => 'l' (1 chars)
            m => array(3 items)
               display => 'M' (1 chars)
               value => 'm' (1 chars)
               param => 'm' (1 chars)
            n => array(3 items)
               display => 'N' (1 chars)
               value => 'n' (1 chars)
               param => 'n' (1 chars)
            o => array(3 items)
               display => 'O' (1 chars)
               value => 'o,ö' (4 chars)
               param => 'o' (1 chars)
            p => array(3 items)
               display => 'P' (1 chars)
               value => 'p' (1 chars)
               param => 'p' (1 chars)
            q => array(3 items)
               display => 'QR' (2 chars)
               value => 'q,r' (3 chars)
               param => 'q' (1 chars)
            s => array(3 items)
               display => 'S' (1 chars)
               value => 's' (1 chars)
               param => 's' (1 chars)
            t => array(3 items)
               display => 'T' (1 chars)
               value => 't' (1 chars)
               param => 't' (1 chars)
            u => array(3 items)
               display => 'U' (1 chars)
               value => 'u' (1 chars)
               param => 'u,ü' (4 chars)
            v => array(3 items)
               display => 'V' (1 chars)
               value => 'v' (1 chars)
               param => 'v' (1 chars)
            w => array(3 items)
               display => 'W' (1 chars)
               value => 'w' (1 chars)
               param => 'w' (1 chars)
            x => array(3 items)
               display => 'XYZ' (3 chars)
               value => 'x,y,z' (5 chars)
               param => 'x' (1 chars)
      listLimit => '' (0 chars)
      pageBrowserLimit => '' (0 chars)
      detailPid => '' (0 chars)
      startingpoint => '350' (3 chars)
      recursive => '' (0 chars)
   address => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Addressprototypepersistent entity (uid=1798, pid=350)
      tstamp => protected1712065031 (integer)
      comments => protected'Persönliche Beratungsgespräche nach telefonischem Vorgespräch mit Terminv
' (87 chars) txKsaddressPostfach => protected'1406' (4 chars) txKsaddressTelExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelMobil => protected'0178 / 8044434 0177 / 6875889 ' (32 chars) txKsaddressTelHotline => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailExtra => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTraeger => protected'Hillersche Villa gGmbH ' (24 chars) txKsaddressDachverband => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressCompanyEn => protected'Specialised counselling centre for victims of trafficking' (57 chars) txKsaddressCommentsEn => protected'Personal counselling sessions by appointment after a preliminary telephone c
' (87 chars) txKsaddressComments2 => protected'Kooperationen mit BKA, LKA, Bundespolizei, Landespolizei bei Maßnahmen zum
         Opferschutz / Zeugenschutz Lobbyarbeit und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zum Thema
          Menschenhandel Präventions-, Sensibilisierungs- und Qualifizierungsangebo
         te Zielsetzung: Wir unterstützen Opfer von Menschenhandel bei der Wahrne
         hmung ihrer Rechte und der nachhaltigen Verbesserung ihrer Lebenssituation.
         Durch gezielte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit fördern wir den Abbau stigmatisierend
         er Klischees gegenüber Frauen und Migration.
' (501 chars) txKsaddressComments2En => protected'Cooperation with Federal and State criminal investigation and police servic
         es on victim protection/witness protection measures Lobbying and PR work re
         garding trafficking in human beings; Prevention, awareness-raising and tra
         ining Aim: help persons affected by trafficking in human beings exercise
         their rights and sustainably improve their living conditions. Through PR act
         ivities, it contributes to changing stereotypes against women and migration
' (455 chars) txKsaddressMember => protectedTRUE txKsaddressVorwahlTel => protected'0351' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlTelBeratung => protected'0351' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlFax => protected'0351' (4 chars) txKsaddressVorwahlMobil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdressenzusatz => protected'KOBRAnet - Dresden Fachberaungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel und Betr
         offene von Gewalt im Namen der Ehre
' (111 chars) txKsaddressOrtsteil => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressRegion => protected113 (integer) txKsaddressCountry => protected101 (integer) txKsaddressAnfahrt => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelBeratung => protected'87323610' (8 chars) txKsaddressZielgruppen => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000053d8bc630000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=101, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'101: Frauen (Betroffene)' (24 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'101: Women (Victims)' (20 chars) uid => protected101 (integer) _localizedUid => protected101 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected101 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 0000000053d8bc6e0000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=102, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'102: Mädchen (Betroffene)' (26 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'102: Girls (Victims)' (20 chars) uid => protected102 (integer) _localizedUid => protected102 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected102 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 0000000053d8bc620000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=112, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'112: trans*Personen' (19 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'112: Persons identifying as Transexuals' (39 chars) uid => protected112 (integer) _localizedUid => protected112 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected112 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) 0000000053d8bc4d0000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Zielgruppenprototypepersistent entity (uid=117, pid=188) zielgruppeBeratungsstelle => protected'117: Migrant*innen' (18 chars) zielgruppeBeratungsstelleEn => protected'117: Migrants' (13 chars) uid => protected117 (integer) _localizedUid => protected117 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected117 (integer)modified pid => protected188 (integer) txKsaddressAltersgrenzen => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeiten => protected'nach Vereinbarung' (17 chars) txKsaddressOeffnungszeitenEn => protected'on appointment' (14 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeit => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressTelErreichbarkeitEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEmailBeratung => protected'info@kobranet.eu' (16 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofil => protected'101,102,103,104,107,108,110,111,117' (35 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressGewaltformen => protected'101,106,107,108,110,111' (23 chars) txKsaddressAngebotsprofilSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsart => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 0000000053d8b3f00000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=104, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'104: Notruf/ Hilfetelefon sexualisierte Gewalt' (46 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'104: Notruf/ Hilfetelefon sexualisierte Gewalt' (46 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'104: Emergency call/ Emergency hotline for sexualized violence' (62 chars) uid => protected104 (integer) _localizedUid => protected104 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected104 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer) 0000000053d8b3f50000000001f8a65a => KST\KsAddress\Domain\Model\Einrichtungsartprototypepersistent entity (uid=114, pid=187) artdereinrichtung => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung' (74 chars) artdereinrichtungEn => protected'' (0 chars) artdereinrichtungFe => protected'114: Fachberatungsstelle für Betroffene von Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung ' (75 chars) artdereinrichtungEnFe => protected'114: Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and expl
' (84 chars) uid => protected114 (integer) _localizedUid => protected114 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected114 (integer)modified pid => protected187 (integer)
txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartSonstigeEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefreiKeys => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressBarrierefrei => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressEinrichtungsartBarrierefreiEn => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSprachen => protected'180,350' (7 chars) txKsaddressSprachenSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressSicherheit => protectedTRUE txKsaddressAufnahmesoehne => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressHaustiere => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlung => protected'102,103' (7 chars) txKsaddressWeitervermittlungSonstige => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressFreigabeHilfetelefon => protectedTRUE txKsaddressComments => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressIsmaster => protectedTRUE txKsaddressMasterid => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressClones => protected'' (0 chars) txKsaddressAdmininfo => protected'neue Adresse ist Dresden, nach tel Rücksprache alles angepasst' (63 chars) gender => protected'' (0 chars) name => protected'KOBRAnet -Dresden' (17 chars) firstName => protected'' (0 chars) middleName => protected'' (0 chars) lastName => protected'KOBRAnet -Dresden' (17 chars) birthday => protectedNULL title => protected'' (0 chars) address => protected'Postfach 120105' (15 chars) latitude => protected'51.050409000000' (15 chars) longitude => protected'13.737262000000' (15 chars) building => protected'' (0 chars) room => protected'' (0 chars) phone => protected'87323610' (8 chars) fax => protected'87323612' (8 chars) mobile => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'http://www.kobranet.eu' (22 chars) skype => protected'' (0 chars) twitter => protected'' (0 chars) facebook => protected'' (0 chars) linkedin => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'info@kobranet.eu' (16 chars) company => protected'Fachberatungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel' (49 chars) position => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'Dresden' (7 chars) zip => protected'01002' (5 chars) region => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) description => protectedNULL categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1798 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1798 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1798 (integer)modified pid => protected350 (integer)
Details | KOK gegen Menschenhandel Details - KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel

Single View

KOBRAnet -Dresden

Name of InstitutionKOBRAnet -Dresden
Specialised counselling centre for victims of trafficking
P.O.-BoxPostfach 120105
Zip code01002
Federal StateSachsen
Telephone (Office)0351 / 87323610
Telephone (Consulting)0351 / 87323610
Telephone (Mobile) / 0178 / 8044434 0177 / 6875889
ResponsibleHillersche Villa gGmbH
Umbrella Organisation
Services provided for Women (Victims)
Girls (Victims)
Persons identifying as Transexuals
Adresseés / Network
Office Hoursnach Vereinbarung
Availability by phone
E-Mail (consulting)info@kobranet.eu
E-Mail (office)info@kobranet.eu
Fax0351 / 87323612
Specialized Services provided Secure lodging
Emergency counseling/crisis intervention
Long-term aid
Psychological support
Outreach counseling (counseling outside of the center)
Psycho-social support
Prevention work
Assistance with police, medical personnell, lawyers, agencies, public authorities
Other specialized services
Forms of trafficking / Exploitation Domestic abuse – abuse in marital or ex-marital relationships
Forced marriage
Abuse in the name of 'honor'
Abuse in the setting of prostitution
Human Trafficking
Sexual exploitation and forced prostitution
Type of Institution Emergency call/ Emergency hotline for sexualized violence
Specialized Counseling Center for victims of human trafficking and exploitation
Other Type of Institution
Languages English
Other Languages
Remarks / SpecificsPersonal counselling sessions by appointment after a preliminary telephone conversation
Additional InformationCooperation with Federal and State criminal investigation and police services on victim protection/witness protection measures Lobbying and PR work regarding trafficking in human beings; Prevention, awareness-raising and training Aim: help persons affected by trafficking in human beings exercise their rights and sustainably improve their living conditions. Through PR activities, it contributes to changing stereotypes against women and migration
Last Changed2024-04-02 15:37
Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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