• Ausstellungseröffnung am Berliner Hauptbahnhof

  • Ausstellungsbox mit Kopfhörern

Photos: Sophie Amarantidis, Kathrin Buschmann, Christine Düringer, Johannes Maas, David Roth - prjktr


The KOK e.V. exhibition "Trafficking in Human Beings - Situation, Rights and Support in Germany" informs the public about the issues of trafficking in human beings and exploitation, the rights of trafficked persons and the support structure in Germany.

Focal points of the exhibition are:

  • History of the development of the specialized counseling centers for trafficked persons
  • Groups of trafficked persons and forms of trafficking
  • International and national legal framework
  • Rights of trafficked persons
  • Work of the specialized counseling centers and the necessary requirements for the employees
  • Support services for trafficked persons
  • Work and member organization of KOK e.V.
  • In addition, the exhibition contains a module designed especially for young people in order to explicitly inform young people about various forms of human trafficking (especially the topic of lover boys).


The exhibition can be borrowed from KOK e.V. for displays within Germany. For more information, please contact the KOK office at info(at)kok-buero.de.

Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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