
New KOK-Book: Human Trafficking in Germany - An Overview from a Practical Standpoint

We are pleased to present our new book

„Human Trafficking in Germany – An Overview from a Practical Standpoint“.

This book is an extended continuation of the KOK’s brochure ‘Trafficking in Women in Germany’, first published in 2001 and updated in 2009. Numerous legal changes and developments in practice in the field of trafficking in human beings have made it necessary to revise this publication completely.

The book presents a great range of different aspects of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings. With its publication we hope to continue making substantiated contributions to discussions on the topic - not only within the public debate, but also on a political, scientific and practical level.

Special about this book is the fact, that all authors are experienced practitioners working in the field, and that it combines the legal as well as the practical perspectives. All forms of exploitation are examined, as well as related contemporary topics, such as the issue of data protection or trafficked persons in the asylum procedure.

We hope that the book will prove to be an excellent source of information to all those interested in or working on the topic of trafficking in persons and may inspire the different areas of work.

The publication ‘Human Trafficking in Germany – An Overview from a Practical Standpoint’ is now available on request through info(at)kok-buero.de.

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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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