KOK News

GAATW: A Feast in Time of COVID-19: The anti-trafficking movement needs to take a step back

“In this moment, widely seen as unprecedented, the anti-trafficking movement needs to take a step back and, for once, not make it about trafficking…”

The Global Alliance against Traffic in Women published a statement about the current COVID-19 crisis. In the announcement, GAATW points out how many socio-economic issues most trafficked persons already face, which are now being brought into the spotlight by a global pandemic are proving to be “impossible to ignore”. They further suggest that the trafficking movement should “look beyond its comfortable silo and join the growing demands for a system change”. They further point out that these critical sociatal measure that proctect our societies, which are currently declining, are the of importantce to all vulnerable groups, including victims of human trafficking, espcially now during a global pandemic.

The full statement can be found here.



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