KOK News

New KOK report on data collection and data protection released

On the 18th of October, the european day against trafficking in human beings the KOK published a new report on data collection and data protection in anti-trafficking work.

The european day against trafficking in human beings on 18th of October marks the release of the publication "Defining the Gap: Data Collection on Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation in Germany - the Civil Society Approach of the KOK". This report provides a new approach to data collection and data security for trafficked persons from a human rights perspective. The new data tool presented in the report, which has been delevoped by the KOK and its member organisations, contributes further perspectives by focusing on the rights and protection of trafficking persons and their access to justice in the German legal system. Furthermore the tool offers insight into the work of civil society organisations, namely the specialised counseling centers for trafficked persons, and the wide range of services they provide to those affcted by trafficking in human beings.

Athough the European Convention and the EU Directive on trafficking in human beings have long made the data collection for the purpose of access to justice a priority, there is currently only the BKA (federal criminal police force) statistic availalable. From now on, the yearly report by the KOK based on the findings of the data tool will add a civil society perspective on trafficking in human beings in Germany.


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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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