KOK News

Short brochures on the different forms of exploitation

KOK has produced a series of short brochures on the topic of trafficking in human beings and different forms of exploitation.

Short brochures on the different forms of exploitation

In each case, trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation, labour exploitation and exploitation of begging and criminal acts are explained and illustrated with case studies, the corresponding criminal offences concerning human trafficking and exploitation are explained in an understandable way, legal developments are presented and the work of KOK and the specialised counselling centres is presented.

The brochures each give an overview of existing cooperation with other counselling centres and addresses the question of what still needs to be done.

All three brochures are available in German and English as print versions from KOK or as free downloads below.

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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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