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UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Human Beings

Today UNODC published its 5th global report on Trafficking in Human Beings, focusing on children, cybercrime and the Covid-19 pandemic

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime published a detailed, in-depth analysis of trafficking in human beings, providing new and current research data addressing and analysing vulnerabilities, trafficking routes and forms of exploitation among other crucial factors. Shedding light on the current state of human trafficking, a global overview of those affected, as well as traffickers, with a particular focus on children as well as the internet as medium for exploitative purposes. In this report, the recent occurring of the Corona Virus and its impacts on economic and social has further also been analysed. Globally, the report states, “victims are targeted when they are vulnerable and the COVID-19 economic recession will result in more people at risk of trafficking.” Vulnerabilities are also on the rise with millions currently out of school and out of work due to the pandemic.

The report also concluded that worldwide more persons are being identified as trafficked, with a tripled rate of cases worldwide since 2003, as identification is an essential part of combatting trafficking, but certainly need to be followed up by implemented structures of care for trafficked persons, remuneration as well as convictions for trafficking offences. “While European countries record the highest conviction rates globally, their trend is stable or decreasing. It is difficult to assess whether this is the result of a saturation of law enforcement capacity, a lower prioritization of the fight against trafficking or a reduction in trafficking activity.” The report further explores region specific differences, case-by-case studies as well as single trafficking routes such as the identification of Bulgarian persons trafficked detected in the Netherlands and its correlation to the unemployment rate in the Bulgaria.

Overall, the report identified that women still are at the greatest risk to be exploited, with sexual exploitation being the most common form of trafficking worldwide.

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