International Networking

Thanks to the constant efforts of NGOs, the responsibility for legally pursuing human rights abuses now rests increasingly with the governments of the country of origin, the transit country and the destination country. These governments are taking ever more measures to prevent such abuses. Another positive development is that the relevant authorities are recognising the expert knowledge of NGOs to a far greater degree. This recognition allows NGOs to take a more active role in lawmaking processes than ever before, and has an extremely positive effect on the extent to which their collective expertise and experience have a bearing on key decision making.

Contacts and links


Anti-Slavery International

Anti-Slavery International, founded in 1839, is the world's oldest international human rights organization. The London based NGO works to eliminate all forms of modern slavery around the world in cooperation with other member and partner organizations. Anti-Slavery International’s work consists of a range of diverse activities from empirical research to identifying the right means for fighting modern slavery, public-, educational and awareness-raising work in cooperation with local organization in different countries, and political lobbying at the locally, regionally and internationally.

Anti-Slavery International
Thomas Clarkson House
The Stableyard
Broomgrove Road
London SW9 9TL
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7501 8920


FIZ – Advocacy and Support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking

FIZ Advocacy and Support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking in Switzerland fights for the protection and rights of migrant women who have experienced violence and exploitation. The organization operates a counseling center for migrant women and a specialized intervention agency for trafficked women. Moreover, FIZ trains experts in the field of social work about the trafficking of women and migration. Through the knowledge gained from the daily work with migrant women, FIZ develops proposals for action for the authorities and politics and sensitizes the public with media campaigns to the situation of migrant women who became the victims of violence.

FIZ - Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration
Badenerstraße 682
CH-8048 Zürich
Tel.: +44 436 90 00


La Strada International

La Strada is an international and a worldwide known network with nine partner organizations in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Macedonia. Its goals are, on the one hand, the mutual exchange of information and experience, on the other hand, developing important preventive campaigns, such as offering to aid women return to their home countries – an activity carried out by the partner organizations.

La Strada International
De Wittenstraat 25
1052 AK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 688 1414



LEFÖ is an Austrian association by and for the rights of migrant women founded in 1985 by Latin American women living in exile in Austria. LEFÖ offers migrant women counseling, education opportunities and empowers them throughout their entire migration process. It provides support for legal, psychosocial and health issues, encourages the real integration of marginalized women and advocates for equal opportunities and participation for migrant women. Moreover, LEFÖ deals with sensitization and lobbying to combat the political and social stigmatization of migrant women.

Lederergasse 35/ 12-13
A-1080 Wien
Tel:  +43 (0)1 5811881


Global Alliance against Traffic in Women

The Global Alliance against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is a network of more than 100 non-governmental organizations from all regions of the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. The main office is in Bangkok. GAATW considers human trafficking a phenomenon imbedded in the larger context of labor migration. GAATW fights therefore for the human rights of migrants and their families, mainly against the backdrop of a global job market. Safety standards for labor migrants must be guaranteed in both formal and informal sectors. KOK is a member of GAATW.

GAATW International Secretariat
191/41, 6th Floor, Sivalai Condominium
Soi 33 Itsaraphap Road
Bangkok 10600, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-864-1427/8,
Fax: +66-2-864-1637


Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants - PICUM

PICUM is a network of non-governmental organisations that work on the promotion of the human rights of undocumented migrants within Europe. The network aims to provide a linkage between the grassroots level and the European level, where policies are discussed and introduced. PICUM has 156 members organisations across 31 countries. At the General Assembly from 12-13 May 2017, the KOK was admitted as a new member organisation.

Rue du Congrès/Congresstraat 37-41,
post box 5
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 210 17 80
Fax: +32 (0)2 210 17 89


“Animus Association” Foundation

The “Animus Association” Foundation (AAF), which has been the Bulgarian partner in the La Strada International network since 1998, mainly works in the support of women, adolescents and children who are affected by violence. AAF offers direct help and services to victims of domestic and sexual violence as well as trafficked persons. The services of AAF comprise counselling, psychological and social support as well as legal advice. AAF, inter alia, runs a 24/7 Transit Center for victims of trafficking in Bulgaria. 

"Animus Association" Foundation
85 Ekzarh Yossif St.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 983 52 05


EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking in human beings

The EU Civil Society Platform was founded in May 2013 by the EU Commission in order to support the exchange and networking of civil society organizations and EU institutions in the fight against human trafficking at EU level. Furthermore, the expertise collected on the platform should be applied for new EU strategies and measures against human trafficking. Over 100 European non-governmental organizations participate in the platform, including KOK.

Platform coordinator
Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs
Myria Vassiliadou EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels


Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

The Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) exists since 2008. This network consists of over 300 civil society organizations that are active in various fields of fundamental rights. The platform’s goal is to enable the exchange of information and communication between FRA and civil society, and between the civil society organizations themselves. KOK joined the platform in 2013. The platform has a yearly meeting, in which KOK also participates.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Schwarzenbergplatz 11
A-1040 Wien                                           


Supported by
KOK is a member of


KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76

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