The National Situation Report 2021 Human Trafficking and Exploitation published by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) provides an overview on cases known to the police of sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, exploitation in the course of begging, the trafficking in human beings for the purpose of committing criminal activities and forced marriage. A special focus is set upon underage trafficked persons. The National Situation Report for 2021 was published on 07.10.2022.
According to the current report investigation proceedings in the area of trafficking in human beings and exploitation have increased in 2021. The total number of 510 proceedings shows an increase of 9.7 %. Particularly, proceedings on exploitation of minors have increased sharply, by 22.8 % in comparison to the previous year. In 237 proceedings a number of 283 trafficked persons were identified.
Although trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation remained the focal point of police investigations in 2021, with 291 cases, there was also a significant increase of 27.3 % in cases of labour exploitation, with 28 cases. According to the report this can be attributed, amongst other things, to the new responsibilities of the Financial Investigation Office for Undeclared Work (FKS) in this part of crime and the associated increase in the numbers of investigation proceedings conducted in this area. For example, there were multiple major investigations by the FKS in the reporting year. In one case, 70 persons affected by labour exploitation were reported. The areas in which exploitation most frequently took place were the care and construction sector. There was a slight increase in the criminal offenses of exploitation of begging and criminal acts in comparison to the previous year.
According to the report, it must still be assumed that there is a high level of undetected cases in the field of trafficking in human beings and exploitation, as the figures determined only relate to the investigation proceedings that have already been completed.
The National Situation Report on Human Trafficking and Exploitation 2021 describes the current findings on the situation and development in the areas of trafficking in human beings and exploitation in Germany in terms of the German Criminal Code (StGB). The statements are based on the latest reports of the State Offices of Criminal Investigations (LKÄ), the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the Federal Police (BPol) and Customs on the police investigation proceedings concluded in Germany in the reporting year in the relevant crime areas with the crime scenes in Germany.