The Committee of Ministers, the decision-making body of the Council of Europe, has formulated recommendations to member states to better address trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. Given the increase in trafficking in human beings and labour exploitation in Europe, governments should adopt national laws, policies and strategies with a human rights-based and victim-centred approach. This should be supported by member states with adequate funding, including for training, monitoring and evaluation.
These measures should aim to prevent trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation, protect the rights of trafficked persons and ensure their access to effective remedies, including compensation, punish those responsible for the crimes, and promote international and inter-agency cooperation and coordination. They should also ensure that businesses and public organisations are aware of and address the risks of trafficking in their supply chains and procurement.
In the area of assistance and protection, the identification of trafficked persons should be a priority. Trafficked persons should be offered appropriate accommodation and support for stabilisation and social integration.
The recommendations on prevention, identification and protection, law enforcement, international cooperation and promotion of corporate responsibility are detailed in a memorandum. The implementation of these recommendations will be reviewed in the Committee of Ministers, in cooperation with other relevant bodies of the Council of Europe and with the participation of relevant stakeholders, no later than five years after their adoption.