KOK News

Priority Recommendations for the Implementation of the Global Compact on Migration

Cover IMRF Civil Society Report to GCM

In 2018, Germany and the majority of UN member states adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), which is intended to set an international framework for improved cooperation between states in relation to cross-border migration processes. Despite visible implementation efforts, there is a lack of regular dialogue between the Federal Government and German civil society on the GCM. In 2020, the first round of the review of the implementation of the Compact took place at the regional level. The regional review will lead into a global review forum (International Migration Review Forum, IMRF), which will meet every four years starting in 2022. The first meeting of the global review forum will now take place from 17-20 May 2022.

Several German civil society organisations from the fields of social affairs, human rights, humanitarian aid and development, including KOK e.V., have now published a report for the IMRF on the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration (GCM). The report identifies the most important implementation gaps and formulates recommendations for improving the situation of migrants and implementing the GCM, as well as for the elaboration of a human rights-based and inclusive migration policy.

The report consists of two sections and three main chapters: Following the introduction the report presents a list of the most urgent recommendations. This is the main document, which was signed by 21 organisations. The second section is a discussion paper where 16 out of the GCM’s 23 objectives were discussed. For each, it analyses current gaps and makes up to 3 recommendations. Two cross-cutting issues were identified: the tensions between the new Pact on Asylum and Migration Pact presented by the European Commission in September 2020 and the GCM is treated separately as well as child rights.

The aim of the report is to initiate a dialogue process, involving other civil society organisations and government participation, to improve the situation of migrants and facilitate their access to rights.

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10785 Berlin

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E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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