KOK News

Report on factors influencing the political will of states to fight trafficking in human beings

Cover Report Determinants of Anti-Trafficking Efforts

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law has published a project report. It deals with various factors that influence the political will of a state to take action against trafficking in human beings. In a large-scale study, the researchers conducted interviews around the world, which led to results from 14 different countries. The central result of the report is that above all the way in which the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings is presented and understood in a society plays a major role in whether a state takes on the fight against trafficking in human beings and feels committed to it. The authors point out, for example, that trafficking in human beings appears in many different contexts, including legal, civil society and academic contexts. However, the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings is not neutral in any of these contexts, but is itself determined by a number of other factors such as the history, culture or social norms of a society or state.

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