KOK News

UNHCR mapping of protection services for vulnerable people on the move

Cover UNHCR Report

In June 2022, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) published a new report mapping protection options for particularly vulnerable persons, including trafficked persons, on routes towards the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The report shows that the availability of protection services along refugee routes remains limited, despite the fact that their existence is important for refugees, and especially for those who are affected by trafficking in human beings. Many people experience severe violence and life-threatening situations on the flight routes of the Sahel and East Africa.

The report complements the 2020 mapping of protection services and provides an update on developments since then. The aim of the mapping is to identify gaps in existing protection services and further resource needs. The report presents the situation of protection services in 12 African countries and classifies their different functions into categories such as health care or legal aid. This corresponds to the UNHCR's approach of making transparent support for victims of severe violence that is not dependent on their protection status, but rather on their needs. It also aims to raise awareness among refugees about the use of protection services.

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