275 results:
1. Action guidelines on compensation  
Date: 29.11.2010
The KOK and the German Institute for Human Rights have created a poster compiling action guidelines on compensation in collaboration with the European project COMP.ACT. The KOK’s share was financed…  
2. Action guidelines on compensation  
Date: 29.11.2010
The KOK and the German Institute for Human Rights have created a poster compiling action guidelines on compensation in collaboration with the European project COMP.ACT. The KOK’s share was financed…  
3. KOK Fact Sheet on Compensation  
Date: 18.10.2011
On the occasion of the 5th EU Anti Trafficking Day on October 18 2011 KOK published a fact sheet on the issue of compensation for trafficked persons. The fact sheet can be downloaded here.  
4. KOK Fact Sheet on Compensation  
Date: 18.10.2011
On the occasion of the 5th EU Anti Trafficking Day on October 18 2011 KOK published a fact sheet on the issue of compensation for trafficked persons. The fact sheet can be downloaded here.…  
5. KOK Fact Sheet on Compensation  
Date: 18.10.2011
On the occasion of the 5th EU Anti Trafficking Day on October 18 2011 KOK published a fact sheet on the issue of compensation for trafficked persons. The fact sheet can be downloaded here.…  
6. European Commission launches "Victims-Package"-proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime  
Date: 11.04.2012
In May 2011, the European Commission launched the ‘Victims’ Package’ – a collection of proposals for better protection of the rights of victims in the European Union. The proposals reinforce…  
7. European Commission launches "Victims-Package"-proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime  
Date: 11.04.2012
In May 2011, the European Commission launched the ‘Victims’ Package’ – a collection of proposals for better protection of the rights of victims in the European Union. The proposals reinforce…  
8. Case Law Database on Trafficking and Labour Exploitation  
Date: 19.06.2012
Within the framework of the Project "Forced Labour Today" the German Institute for Human Rights launched a case law databse which contains relevant cases from German and international case…  
9. Case Law Database on Trafficking and Labour Exploitation  
Date: 19.06.2012
Within the framework of the Project "Forced Labour Today" the German Institute for Human Rights launched a case law databse which contains relevant cases from German and international case law with…  
10. Civil Society Commentary on the EU-Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings (COM 2012 (286) final)  
Date: 18.10.2012
On the occasion of the 6th EU-Anti Trafficking Day on 18 Ocotber 2012 several international anti trafficking NGOs presented a common commentary on the EU-strategy against trafficking in human…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 275
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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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