KOK News

Protection against trafficking in human beings and exploitation of refugees

Here you can find information about the risks of trafficking in human beings and support mechanisms for refugees from Ukraine.

Currently there is concern that women* and children who have fled from Ukraine are at risk of becoming victims of exploitation and trafficking in human beings in Germany.

Below you will find information material with safety instructions (multilingual) for people fleeing Ukraine as well as contacts and addresses for support and advice.


Flyer with safety advice for people on the run from IOM and the Violence against Women Help Line:

Seien Sie sicher unterwegs (GER, lang)
Be safe on the way (EN, longversion)
Be safe ont he way (UA, longversion)

Flyer from Pro Asyl, bff e.V., DaMigra, Informationsstelle Autonome Frauenhäuser, WILDWASSER and KOK with information about support and counseling for women* and girls*:

Protection from Violence (GER)
Protection from Violence (UA)
Protection from Violence (RU)


Flyer with safety advice for women from the Women's Information Centre/Fraueninformationszentrum – FIZ:

Flyer FIZ Stuttgart (UA)
Flyer FIZ Stuttgart (GER)

Flyer with safety instructions from the city of Stuttgart:

Flyer Stuttgart (GER, UA)


Flyer with safety instructions for women* and girls of the counselling centre JADWIGA Munich/Nürnberg:

Safety Information for Women and Girls (EN/ UA)


Flyer with safety instructions and counseling centers in Berlin (and link to counseling center search from KOK) from IN VIA Berlin:

Flyer IN VIA Berlin (UA)
Flyer IN VIA Berlin (RU)
Flyer IN VIA Berlin (EN)
Flyer IN VIA Berlin (DE)


Flyer with safety instructions and counseling centers in Berlin (and link to counseling center search from KOK) from IN VIA:

Flyer IN VIA Brandenburg (UA)
Flyer IN VIA Brandenburg (RU)
Flyer IN VIA Brandenburg (EN)
Flyer IN VIA Brandenburg (GER)


Flyer with important information for refugee women* from Ukraine by KOOFRA:

Flyer KOOFRA Hamburg (GER)
Flyer KOOFRA Hamburg (UA)


Flyer with safety instructions from the counseling center FRANKA in Kassel:

Flyer Ukraine FRANKA Fachberatung (GER, UA, EN, RU)


Flyer with safety instructions from the specialized counseling center KOBRAnet:


Flyer with safety instructions from contra:


Flyer with safety instructions for women* of the counselling centre bekom thüringen:

Flyer bekom thüringen (GER)
Flyer bekom thüringen (EN)
Flyer bekom thüringen (UA)
Flyer bekom thüringen (RU)


Intervention Center for Trafficked Women* (IBF) of LEFÖ (counseling, education and accompaniment of migrant women):

Be safe on the Way (EN)
Be safe on the Way (UA)

Red Flags on the Way 1 (EN)
Red Flags on the Way 2 (EN)
Red Flags on the Way 1 (UA)
Red Flags on the Way 2 (UA)

Leaflet with safety instructions from La Strada Poland (Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, English)

The La Strada International website collects informational materials from various organizations.

Further Information

If there is a suspicion of trafficking in human being or exploitation, a specialized counseling center should be contacted at all times, with the consent of the trafficked person, in order to be able to offer the highest possible level of support. On our website, you can find an overview of the specialized counseling centers for trafficked persons in Germany.

On the website of the Women's Shelter Coordination, you can search for women's shelters and specialized counseling centers throughout Germany. There are also materials in several languages. Information material in Ukrainian is currently being prepared.

Flyer of the Independent Commissioner on Child Sexual Abuse (UBSKM) with offers of help in cases of violence, abuse, exploitation and trafficking in human beings (GER/UA).

Telephone numbers for women* and children:

Helpline Ukraine - Nummer gegen Kummer: 0800 500 225 0
Free telephone counselling Monday to Friday from 14:00 to 17:00, in Ukrainian and Russian.
Help hotline Violence against women: 08000 116 016
Телефон довіри „Насильство щодо жінок“ - Counselling in Ukrainian
Sexual Abuse Help Line: 0800 22 55 530
Help hotline for pregnant women in distress: 0800 40 40 020

Housing support portal for Ukrainian refugees with disabilities
The online portal "Hilfsabfrage.de" of the aid organisation Handicap International (HI) and the interest group Selbstbestimmt Leben (Self-determined living) bundles the support offers of organisations for people with disabilities in Germany for registered users and refers them to refugees who are looking for suitable housing in this country or in other countries.

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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Hof 1, Aufgang A
10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 263 911 76
E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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