The Penal Procedure Code
In accordance with Section 395 of the Penal Procedure Code, trafficked persons may act as private accessory prosecutors and hire the services of a lawyer in the accessory…
The annual report provides an overview of the main issues, challenges and progress of PICUM's work for the rights of undocumented migrants in the past year. In addition to the impact of the COVID-19…
In a recently published study, PICUM examines various EU policies, action plans and strategies to review the rights and protections available to irregular migrants and to make recommendations for…
Berliner Beauftragter für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit „Privacy by Default“ und „Privacy Impact Assessments“ bei der Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels Dr. Alexander Dix, LL.M. Berlin…
Session III National Rapporteur or Equivalent Mechanisms (NREM): Good Practices in Data Protection OBSERVATORY ON TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS: “Towards a Pan-European Monitoring System on THB” …
In 2018, Germany and the majority of UN member states adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), which is intended to set an international framework for improved…
Event-Software eveeno
Wir setzen die Event-Software eveeno ( zu Zwecken der Durchführung von Veranstaltungen ein. eveeno arbeitet konform mit der europäischen…
KOK has, in the framework of COMP.ACT, developed a leaflet on compensation. It gives a overview on the existing possibilities for trafficked persons to receive compensation in Germany. The leaflet…
KOK has, in the framework of COMP.ACT, developed a leaflet on compensation. It gives a overview on the existing possibilities for trafficked persons to receive compensation in Germany. The leaflet…
On 12.07.2023 the Commission of the European Union published its proposals for an amendment of the Victim Rights Directive (RL 2012/29/EU). The directive standardizes fundamental rights for victims…