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The overview leaflet of the specialised counselling centres networked in KOK is now available in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
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The report Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation in the Context of the Ukraine War - An Investigation from the Perspective of Specialised Counselling Centres on the Situation in Germany analyses and evaluates…
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KOK press release on the European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings on 18 October 2022.
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KOK - coordination and networking against trafficking in human beings
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Informationsmaterial
KOK has expanded its series of short brochures on trafficking in human beings and published a brochure on organised ritual abuse.
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Jahresberichte
This year, once more, we look back on a challenging time, again marked by the corona virus. As in 2020, the specialised counselling centres had to maintain their counselling work under contact restrictions in order to be…
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Fachpublikation | Studien | Berichte
Berlin, 13 October 2021 - On the occasion of the European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings on 18 October and to underline the political importance of this issue, KOK publishes its 2nd report on data collection in…
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Currently the 7th periodic report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Germany is under review by the Human Rights Committee.
The KOK submitted a brief NGO submission…
KOK informs KOK Publikationen KOK Stellungnahmen & Analysen Europäische Instrumente Fachpublikation | Studien | Berichte Downloads MH Allgemein MH Arbeitsausbeutung Menschenrechte
KOK publishes executive summary of its newly published study Rights of Trafficked Persons during Criminal Proceedings - A Study of the Implementation of EU Anti-trafficking Directive 2011/36 in Germany.
KOK Publikationen KOK Stellungnahmen & Analysen
KOK submitted a submission for the upcoming report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings, Siobhán Mullally, on the implementation of non-punishment in the context of trafficking. The report states…