275 results:
171. Migration  
Date: 07.08.2023
Migration Intl. Org for Migration Migration and Development Within and Across Borders: Research and Policy Perspectives on Internal and International Migration 2009 ISBN: 978-92-9068-434-3 Eleanore…  
172. Minimum Standards for the Protection of Children, Adolescents and Women in Refugee Accomodation Centres  
Date: 23.01.2017
The German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) and UNICEF published a report addressing the protection…  
173. Minimum Standards for the Protection of Refugees and Migrants in Refugee Accomodation Centres  
Date: 12.01.2018
For the first time in 2016 these minimum standards were developed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and UNICEF in cooperation with various…  
174. Myria publishes its annual report on trafficking and smuggling of human beings 2016  
Date: 23.01.2017
Myria, the Belgian Federal Migration Centre, publishes its annual report on 'Trafficking and smuggling of human beings: Beggars in the hands of traffickers'. Myria has also been appointed as…  
175. Nadia_Kozhouharova_ANIMUS.pdf  
Date: 12.02.2020
La Strada -Bulgaria Animus Association Foundation The Role of Civil Society in Data Collection in Bulgaria „ Data protection and right to privacy for marginalized groups: a new challenge in…  
176. Naile_Tanis.pdf  
Date: 12.02.2020
Datensammlung in Deutschland aus der Perspektive der Zivilgesellschaft Naile Tanis, KOK e.V. Ist-Stand: Die spezialisierten Fachberatungsstellen für Betroffene von Menschenhandel (FBS) sind ein…  
177. Networking  
Date: 07.08.2023
Networking KOK is represented on committees both nationally and internationally. These allow us to maintain our efforts in influencing the decision-making processes of lawmakers by setting out our…  
178. New campaign launch of Justice at Last: "Know your rights, claim compensation"  
Date: 01.07.2019
On June 26, Justice at Last launched a new European campaign called "Know your Rights - Claim Compensation". The project "Justice at Last - European action on compensation for victims of crime" was…  
179. New ECHR court ruling in case of forced prostitution  
Date: 30.06.2020
ECHR finds shortcomings in Croatian authorities’ investigation into an allegation of forced prostitution. Inadequate response of Croatian authorities constitutes a violation of Article 4 ECHR…  
180. New European project on access to compensation for victims of crime  
Date: 17.01.2018
Most European countries have legal provisions for victims of crime to claim compensation or to otherwise be compensated for material and non-material damages. However, even when the legal framework…  
Search results 171 until 180 of 275
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KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
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10785 Berlin

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E-Mail: info@kok-buero.de

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