The report Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation in the Context of the Ukraine War - An Investigation from the Perspective of Specialised Counselling Centres on the Situation in Germany…
What is trafficking in human beings?
Trafficking in human beings is defined in the German Criminal Code (StGB) under section 232 and covers the recruitment, transportation, reception and…
The Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) is published annually by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in human beings in the U.S. Department of State. It analyzes trafficking…
For many years, La Strada International and KOK have collaborated on key initiatives, lobby for change in policy and advocate for a human rights approach to anti-trafficking action across Europe.
The Network and Coordination Office
The network and coordination office was established 1999 in Potsdam. It is largely financed by grants from the Federal Ministry of family, senior…
KOK – the structure of our organisation
Member Organisations
KOK unites 43 member organisations today, that work on different content-related focuses:
Specialised counselling organisations and…
The conference will be opened by Andrea Hitzke - board member of KOK, director of the counselling centre Dortmunder Mitternachtsmission.
Welcome Address
Juliane Seifert | State…