KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads Arbeitsverhältnisse Internationale Dokumente
A report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) provides a comprehensive overview of protection deficits of domestic workers. The background is that domestic workers often find themselves in precarious employment…
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads MH Allgemein Migration Internationale Dokumente
A new report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Modern Forms of Slavery highlights contemporary forms of slavery, their causes and consequences. It focuses on people belonging to ethnic, linguistic and religious…
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads MH Allgemein Asyl/Flucht Internationale Dokumente Projekt Flucht & MH
In June 2022, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) published a new report mapping protection options for particularly vulnerable persons, including trafficked persons, on routes towards the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The…
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Informationsmaterial
KOK - coordination and networking against trafficking in human beings
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads MH Allgemein Internationale Dokumente
The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has published its annual report for 2021.
During the reporting period, GRETA conducted monitoring visits to ten countries…
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads MH Allgemein Internationale Dokumente
The Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) is published annually by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the US Department of State. It analyses developments in the field of trafficking in human…
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads MH Allgemein
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) published a report on the extent of trafficking in human beings in South Eastern Europe. Based on country reports and five expert meetings, the areas of access to…
KOK informs KOK Publikationen Informationsmaterial
KOK has expanded its series of short brochures on trafficking in human beings and published a brochure on organised ritual abuse.
KOK informs
Here you can find information about the risks of trafficking in human beings and support mechanisms for refugees from Ukraine.
KOK informs Medien / Materialien Downloads Asyl/Flucht Migration Menschenrechte Internationale Dokumente Projekt Flucht & MH
On 8 June, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the Fundamental Rights Report 2022 on its website. FRA's Fundamental Rights Report 2022 provides an overview of the main developments in the field of…